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Premium America Theatre Quality Popcorn packs 8oz Case of 24

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Premium America Theatre Quality Popcorn packs 8oz Case of 24

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✔ Each Case includes a total of 24 - 8oz Packs

✔ Premium America is Theatre Quality Popcorn

✔ Rated as World's Best Popcorn

✔ Same Popcorn used in 70% of Theatres in North America

✔ Get Consistent yellow buttery flavoured popcorn in every batch

✔ Pre-Packaged with Buttery Flavour, Buttery Salt & Coconut Oil

✔ Pour & Pop No need to measure!

✔ Zero Rated item - Pay no Taxes

Click on listing to see our YouTube video

Availability: In stock



How easy is "Pour & Pop" ? As easy as it sounds. Don't worry about how the popcorn will taste--we guarantee it will be great. No matter who's popping, every batch is sensational popcorn. If you just purchased one of our new popcorn machines or are looking for that great theatre taste in your existing machine, stop looking! This is great tasting, high-volume popcorn that pops up fluffy time and time again. We truly believe it is the best popcorn in the World!!

Premium America Popcorn comes from the finest popcorn seeds available. It is grown in the heart of the corn belt of America so you can be assured that our popcorn quality is the finest around.

Premium America Popcorn is selected for its explosive popcorn expansion qualities and tender popcorn flakes. Because of our dedication to bringing our customers nothing but the best popcorn, Great Western guarantees total popcorn satisfaction.

These explosive popcorn kernels produce the best volume yields in the popcorn industry, while delivering the best tasting popcorn available anywhere.

Some points of interest
*Each pack contains 8 ounces of Pour & Pop Popcorn. Enough to feed 8 people
*One side of the pouch contains Coconut oil (same used at the theatre)
*Premium America Popcorn Co grows their own corn
*Premium America Popcorn Co. supplies 70% of all movie theatres in North America.
*Pre - Flavored (Light Buttery)
*160 Calories per serving

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